01642 592802

Limited Company Contractor Service


ABM has been a specialist accountancy firm for contractors since 2007 and our aim has always been to make life easy for the independent contractor.  We offer a comprehensive, professional and nationwide service from as little as £97 per month where everything is taken care of. This service can be completely online and we help contractors based all over the UK working at home and abroad.

We do things differently to other accountants because your company position is reviewed every month. You can be reassured that you are drawing the correct and maximum amount of dividends each month rather than leaving everything until the end of the year. We are also able to carry out tax planning during the year as our information is always kept up to date.

✓ Tax efficiency 

✓ Monthly income tax forecasts 

✓ IR35 advice 

✓ VAT advice 

✓ No bookkeeping knowledge required 

✓ Monthly legally compliant dividends

✓ Expenses guidance

✓ 2nd shareholder option

✓ Online service with client portal

✓ Dedicated experienced accountant


Since 6th April 2021 the responsibility for assessing your IR35 status, in most cases, lies with your end-client. However, there are some exceptions to this, and where the responsibility rests with you, as the director, you need to make sure you get this right. If you have any concerns regarding your IR35 status or if you would like to contest the status determination given by your end client, then your first port of call is to use the HMRC CEST Tool. However, it is widely recognised that there is a crucial flaw with this tool because it does not consider mutuality of obligations, and this can often lead to an incorrect “inside IR35” result. We can help you with your assessment by arranging a detailed contract review which gives you a professional independent opinion. Note that an additional fee will apply for this service.

Take Home Pay Rates 2022/23

If you are reading this page, you are probably already aware of the big tax and national insurance savings to be made when operating as a limited company. If you are invoicing your client £50,000 pa, you could end up with £40,110 (80%) in your pocket after tax deductions. Invoicing your client £100,000 pa, gives you a take home pay of up to £77,066 (77%). This compares with £37,662 (75%) for a salary of £50,000 and £66,689 (66%) for a salary of £100,000.

If you want to find out more or arrange a free consultation, please call 01642 592802 or email loraine@teessideaccountants.co.uk